We are Christians, who believe the accepted creeds of the church. We believe in One God, Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in his son Jesus Christ. We believe Jesus was born of Virgin Mary, was fully human, taught and healed, and died upon a cross, as an offering to redeem our sins.
We understand that sin is not simply being wicked, but it is anything that steers us away from God and Jesus’ teaching.
We believe that Jesus died and rose again to life, in a physical form three days later, and as he promised, sent his Holy Spirit to guide us from that stage onwards.
We are witnesses to the radically changed lives, behaviour and attitudes that following Jesus brings, and hope that others will have the opportunity to share that belief and life.
The URC is known for being a broad Church which enables people with different approaches to theology to join together without friction.
Our worship style in Flore, while mainly traditional in style is developing into a more 21st Century approach.